Billboard spotting!

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Well... It's been quite a crazy ride this last couple of weeks!

Since being scouted for Dove nearly 2 years ago I've been involved in a number of jobs from print and digital shoots to TV commercials. I was recently asked if I would be the face of the Dove Real Beauty campaign- which of course I accepted! The mass billboard launch that followed has been quite a surreal experience! Great fun though. My husband has just driven me around to spot some billboards before they come down as I'd only seen a couple myself!

Alongside appearing in the campaign, I've also been involved in interviews for Dove relating to research found in their Dove Body Confidence Census 2012. Info about self esteem workshops for teenagers at and


  1. ha how good is this, will look out for them!

  2. it was a shame yeah, i love brighton though. would seriously love to live there when the opp comes around.

    the restaurant was actually in hove, it had some generic name. i was probably just a good one but nothing special. i'm not mega up on my indian cuisine. the chili pickle has a strong name though!

  3. I was flicking through Hello mag the other day and spotted your face laughing up at me! Loved it. You look so good!


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