BIG thanks to Amy at Pan Macmillan for sending me The Geometry of Pasta.
This book is special. It satisfies the graphic designer in me with it's symmetrical drawings of pasta shapes, clean font, uncoated paper and the smell of fresh print...
The great thing about the book is that it not only educates you in the area of pastas and sauces (till now I have been ignorant of the fact that "choosing the right pasta shape to go with the right sauce makes the difference between pasta dishes that are merely ordinary, and the truly sublime"), it also feels very different to any other cook book that you may have sitting on the shelf. It's kind of text book like, but not in a boring way. The drawings of each pasta shape feel almost like proud little characters sitting with their recipes. Amusingly the drawings were inspired by a chance encounter with a wallchart of plumbing grommets, but you'll have to buy the book to find out more about that.
Now, to the kitchen! Hopefully my boys will enjoy the result...
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